Elpress Environment is progress through action.

Fundamental commitment is the path for Elpress Environment.

We want to contribute to and develop all parts of the business and cover economic, human and social aspects as well as quality and environmental aspects. For us, it is important that the business and sustainability work go hand in hand to achieve a long-term sustainable business and return. Our sustainability work is based on the UN’s Global Compact, the ILO’s core conventions, the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Elpress works specifically with 6 of UN’s Sustainable development goals.

  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure
    Elpress’ goal is to constantly be at the forefront of new technologies and new innovations. For this, we carry out ongoing investments in production for more efficient use of resources. During the past year, new construction is underway, including the new surface treatment plant, which is in use since the spring of 2023. Value flow analysis is ongoing in production with a focus on delivery precision and lead times internally and externally for efficient and thus more sustainable production.
  • Responsible consumption and production
    To meet the goal of sustainable consumption and production, we work with our environmental impact from a life cycle perspective and with a focus based on our three main raw materials (copper, aluminium and steel) for a holistic view from source to set-off. Through the LCA project during the year, our annual direct and indirect emissions have been determined and thus our carbon footprint. Of Elpress’ total carbon footprint, the proportion is from • own transports <1 % • electricity and energy use <4 % • (indirect) supply chain for> 95 %
  • Gender equality
    Within Elpress, skills development will be offered to all employees on equal terms based on dialogue between the manager and employees. Skills development and good development opportunities for employees are a prerequisite for the company’s ability to compete in the market.
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
    WE work with products and solutions that promote sustainable energy production and are well suited for use within renewable energy. A large part of our business today is sales to wind power plants, which today make up only about 5% of the world’s energy consumption. The goal is for the world to consist of 50% renewable, sustainable energy by 2050.
  • Good Health and Well-being
    ELPRESS has a number of goals for its operations related to the work environment and health. This includes being an attractive workplace with satisfied and healthy employees. We have our own health club: Elpress Motion.
  • Decent work and economic growth
    A main goal is that we should have sustainable economic growth, where we have a long-term requirement for 10 % growth per year over time. This is a prerequisite for us to be able to invest in sustainable business development. With growth, we can invest in the company and hire and develop employees. To maintain the employees’ working relationships, we conduct an employee survey that is conducted every two years. The employee survey allows us to know how the company’s employees are feeling. Staff satisfaction scored a 4.0, on a scale of 1 to 5, in the latest employee survey conducted in 2020. In the survey, we also capture any discrimination and harassment against which we have zero tolerance.

The importance of Recycling.

At our production facility, sustainability is fundamental. We follow Sweden’s rigorous rules regarding recycling, particularly in handling metals, oils, and other specialized materials. Our recycling process is meticulously designed to ensure efficient and eco-friendly management of these resources. By strictly following these guidelines, we not only meet regulatory requirements but also contribute to a healthier environment for future generations.

For more information, check out this video.

In our quality work, the focus is on awareness and continuous improvement through new methods and training of employees.

Both at group and individual level. We strive for a high efficiency by ensuring that the business has the fewest disruptions as possible. Activities and status:- Simplified LCA completed in 2021 by a volume product.- Elpress carbon dioxide equivalents determined according to The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG protocol) which is an established standard for calculating and reporting, among other things. carbon dioxide emissions.- Work with an overall environmental goal for reducing Elpress’ carbon dioxide

emissions and CO2 neutrality by reducing dependence on oil-based fuels over time. Where intermediate goals along the way include: To reduce our direct CO2 emissions by at least 50% per tonne of product produced by 2025. To reduce CO2 emissions from our energy use by at least 20% per tonne of product produced by 2025.We will actively reduce our CO2 impact from purchased materials and products until 2025 through cooperation and active choices within the supply chain.

  • Electricity for our production comes

    from 100% renewable energy sources.

  • Heating of production and warehouses takes place with district heating where biofuel makes up 95% and is locally produced from renewable residual products from the forest industry.