KRF® – Connectors for conductors class 2, 5 and 6

This is an innovation worth the name, where Elpress was first on the world market with a terminal that fits more than one type of conductor.
Elpress KRF® fits conductors class 2,5 and 6.
The KRF® are dimensioned, both neck and plate, to handle the same current as the corresponding conductor can handle. This in combination with Elpress DUAL crimping. And these two combined are an IEC tested solution.

Material: Cu 99.95%
Tin plated Cu/Sn.
Inspection hole
For stranded (class 2), multi-stranded (class 5) and very flexible (class 6) Cu conductors according to IEC 60228
For class 5 and class 6 Cu conductors
Elpress recommends the Dual system.
UL approved (KRF16-500 mm²)
DNV approved (16-400 mm²).

The Elpress KRFS series is a tube terminal with extra narrow palms and is available in sizes from 50-400 mm². The palm has the same or smaller width as the tube diameter, enabling pre-installation of terminals through cable glands.
In order to enable installation in confined areas, the terminal palm on a KRFS connection has a smaller surface area than a KRF standard connection.

KRFS Small palm benefits
For stranded or flexible
Cu conductors Class 2-6. -
KRFS is designed for
confined spaces. -
Easy to install with
threaded cable glands. -
Enables pre-installation
of applications -
The use of the Elpress crimping system enables a connection tested according to
requirements in IEC 61238:1 compatible with Elpress KRF crimping system

KRF®/KRFS + DUAL makes the Perfect match for Secure Connections

KRF angled terminals 45°

KRF angled terminals 90°, 10 – 185 mm²

KRF tube terminals 16 – 800 mm²

KRF tube terminals with two holes

KRFS tube terminals 50 – 400 mm² with narrow palm