Cu terminals

The terminals for Cu conductors 0.75 mm² to 1000 mm² are made of copper 99.9%. As a standard, we manufacture tube terminals (type KR/KRF/KRD/KRT), through connectors (type KS/KSF/KSD/KST) and C sleeves, but also largely customised connectors. The Elpress system fits both stranded conductors, as per IEC 60228 class 2, and flexible conductors as per IEC 60228 class 5 and class 6.

The cable lugs (KR/KRF/KRD) are mainly used to terminate conductors or connect busbars and device outlets of copper.
Through connectors (KS/KSF/KSD) are used, mostly, for connecting of copper conductors in cable assemblies. They can also be used for straight splicing of earth lines.

UL-approved terminals

UL is a US standard that is also internationally accepted. Elpress standard Cu terminals of type KRF/KSF are UL approved as per file no. E205350.

DNV-approved terminals

Elpress KR/KS, KRF/KSF terminals agree with DNV’s rules for classification of ships and Det Norske Veritas’ Offshore Standards. The terminals are approved for installations on ships and mobile «offshore» units

Check the number of crimps

In our standard range, there are tube terminals with one or two holes, straight or with an angle 45° and 90° and terminals with measurements as per DIN 46235. In addition to these, there are through connectors for service and road lighting cables (System CUT) and tube terminals and connectors for Excel cable 10 mm2. Normally, one crimp is required up to 150 mm2 and two or three crimps for larger cross-sectional areas. Check the number of crimps recommended on the package label before crimping is done.


The copper terminals are marked with logotype, cable area and type number for a hexagon die. When an adequate crimping is done with the right tool, Elpress’ crimping dies make an impression on the sleeve so that all connections can be checked afterwards. In the tools, there is a built-in locking system that ensures that the entire crimping process is completed – a prerequisite for professional and quality-assured work.

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